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Monday, 29 October 2012
Hello again everyone,

it's been a while since I've write something, a week i think. the reason is lots and lots of work, too many math tests in fact. eheheh. Also, because of that i haven't been able to proceed my crochet lessons and I'm still stuck in the double stitch. hopefully i can make something this week.

now, we're almost in November and Halloween is here knocking on my door. i still don't know what I'll do, but I'm hoping i can find a little simple craft to do... I'll tell you later how it went... also my cousin will borrow my best costume, so I'm out of ideas, and dying to take some nice pictures with my new hair cut (what will i do?!) =(...  hopefully me and my friends will find something funny to do, or dress as. wish us luck...

nice crafts, see you next time =D
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Hello again,

today I'm gonna make a small post since there's nothing going on these days... =)

First thing i wanted to say, i was talking with a friend, and she said that for small posts like these one or for posting some nice pictures, it would be a good thing if i made a facebook page for this blog. i thought about it for a couple days, and decided it's actually a good idea =) so soon enough I'll post it here, the facebook page link.(It's done, i'll put it down there...)

Second, i finally started the crochet classes online i talked about. the needles i bought are still a bit too thick, but they'll do for now. I also don't really like my yarn, it splits too much and it's too soft (not in a good way), but tomorrow hopefully I'll go out to shop some supplies =D.
I also discovered that crochet is not as easy as i first thought, but it's highly addictive, so I'm not stopping or quiting so soon. by now i only managed to learn how to do a chain of stitches and single crochet stitch - for  uk, double stitch-  but it's really funny and I'm getting better at it .

Now, the really reason i came to post here, my cat. while i was distracted doing my ugly stitches he managed to hide behind my laptop. here it is.

He came for the yarn obviously, but he is now sleeping there. xD he's so cute. So say hi to Bartolomeu.
EDIT: here it is! the Facebook page for the blog:

Thursday, 18 October 2012
Hello again fellow crafters,

as you can see down somewhere in the right side of this page, I've recently decided to learn how to crochet. I've wanted to do so since i was a little kid, and although my grandmother knows how to do it, and had already teach me to cross stitch, she repeatedly failed to teach me crochet. why, you ask, since it seems to be so easy. because she does it like a pro, and all i see is a mess of yarn fingers and needle. so i looked on the net and found this amazing and FREE website.

Since i had some materials at home (1 needle and some yarn) , i decided to start a couple days ago. of course, i did not thought about the obvious thing, the needle was far to big for the thin yarn i had, and i learn this by seeing how my stitches turned as ugly as a goat. after this i decided to go out the next day and buy some needles that hopefully will fit my yarn. And i went to the most obvious place, that in here we call a "retrosaria", a shop where you buy all kinds of stuff required to sewing, crochet, etc.

that's where my adventure begun. As i enter the shop the owner comes towards me and ask me if she can help me. and I innocently reply that i need a crochet needle. (and by doing this i was expecting that she would guide me to someplace on the shop where i could see all kinds of needles, well, i was mistaken).  she showed me some very very thin metallic crochet needles. "hm. not these ones. i need the ones to work with wool". and then i spent 5 minutes trying to explain that lady that "no, i don't want the knitting ones. i want some crochet needles, just bigger than these". well eventually i got to what i wanted. but it did took me ages, and a long trip through the shop.

and I'm telling you this why? firstly, because i felt like it. and secondly so you can see how hard it was to get the most normal thing in the world in a speciality shop. now imagine, if i want something like mod podge... it just does not exist! xD although i can get some glues that do almost the same effect. the brand mod podge is probably almost impossible to get, specially at a normal price. maybe if i go to the big cities, but I'll still pay like 15 euros for a small amount.

so readers, welcome to my reality, and quest for nice cheap materials. =)

Monday, 15 October 2012

I guess when you create a blog there's always this habit of making a topic talking about it and introducing yourself. idk

So, I'm a 21 years old female that finds the most various things to do while i should be studying, one of those was making a blog for one of my hobbies - crafts.
 You see, when your friends are mostly boys, you kind of feel a need to share these little things you do and create with someone that gets the feeling. Therefore, i created this blog to share my crafty adventures with whomever may come ...

So my friends from the internet, feel free to comment, talk with each other, and even create a little spam around here. =D